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Torrance laser hair removal model smiling in mirror

Laser Hair Removal
with the Stellar M22 Laser

Rejuvenate and Revitalize Your Skin

Stellar M22 Laser Hair Removal at Veda Med Spa

With Lumenis' Stellar M22 laser hair removal Torrance, Palos Verdes, Lomita and other South Bay med spa clients at Veda are preparing their summer skin in a major way. And Stellar M22 isn't just for unwanted hair; it's also a revolutionary solution for “pre”juvenating, rejuvenating, and revitalizing your skin. Located in Lomita, CA, our clinic is dedicated to providing cutting-edge aesthetic treatments tailored to your unique needs.

Embrace Skin Health and Vitality

Why Stellar M22?

Torrence laser hair removal or skin resurfacing with Stellar M22 is a standout choice for those seeking transformative skin enhancement. What sets M22 apart is its versatility—it's suitable for all skin types and addresses a range of concerns, from pigmentation irregularities to acne to fine lines. At Veda Med Spa, we believe in the power of inclusivity, and M22 perfectly aligns with our commitment to providing accessible and effective aesthetic solutions for people of every gender, skin tone, and age.

The Stellar M22 system delivers remarkable results by offering specific treatment offerings for over 30 types of skin concerns. Stellar M22 treats over 20 skin conditions, as well as hair removal. ResurFX is a true fractional non-ablative laser to safely, effectively and quickly resurface the skin. Photofractional combines IPL and ResurFX for both skin texture and tone for overall improved skin appearance. ND:Yag laser targets unwanted pigment and vascular lesions. Finally, YAG with Q switch offers a reduction of unwanted pigment and tattoos. With M22, you're not just addressing surface-level issues; you're embracing a comprehensive approach to skin health and vitality.

Torrance laser hair removal model with greying hair

Fight Sun Damage

What are the benefits of Stellar M22 treatments?

With Stellar M22 Torrance area patients get a skin resurfacing procedure that offers a myriad of benefits, making it a sought-after treatment at Veda Med Spa. Firstly, it effectively addresses pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, fine lines, scars, and stretch marks, resulting in a more even and youthful complexion. The non-invasive and safe nature of Stellar M22 treatments ensures minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your routine shortly after the procedure. 

One of the standout benefits of the Stellar M22 is its inclusivity—it's safe and effective for all skin types, providing an accessible option for individuals with varying skin concerns. Additionally, the treatment is customizable, allowing our skilled practitioners to tailor the procedure to your specific needs and goals. Say goodbye to dull and uneven skin—Stellar M22 is your key to achieving a radiant and rejuvenated complexion.

Light Up Your Life

Am I a candidate for Stellar M22 treatments?

Stellar M22 is a versatile device offering treatments for over 30 types of skin conditions suitable for a wide range of individuals. If you're dealing with pigmentation issues, sun damage, vascular lesions, acne, scarring, stretch marks, or fine lines (to name a few), M22 could be an excellent solution for you. During your consultation at Veda Med Spa, our experienced practitioners will assess your skin condition, discuss your goals, and determine whether Stellar M22 is the right choice for your unique needs.

Even Tone

Your Stellar M22 Consultation

Your journey with Stellar M22 begins with a comprehensive consultation at Veda Med Spa. We believe in personalized care, and this initial meeting allows us to understand your skin concerns, goals, and medical history. Our practitioners will discuss the procedure in detail, ensuring you have a thorough understanding of what to expect.

The consultation is also an opportunity for you to ask any questions or address concerns you may have. We prioritize open communication, and our team is dedicated to ensuring you feel comfortable and confident in your decision to undergo Stellar M22 Skin Resurfacing.

Torrance laser hair removal model smiling

Silky Smooth

Your ResurFX Procedure

The ResurFX procedure itself is a relatively quick and straightforward process. Before the treatment begins, your skin will be cleansed, and a topical numbing cream may be applied to enhance your comfort during the procedure. The ResurFX laser is then carefully and precisely applied to the target areas, promoting collagen production and addressing specific concerns deep in the skin.

The non-invasive nature of ResurFX means that most individuals experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. Our practitioners prioritize your well-being and will ensure you are at ease throughout the session. The duration of the procedure may vary based on the areas being treated, but you can typically expect a session to last around 30 minutes.

Youthful Complexion

What results will I see with the Photofractional treatment?

The results of Photofractional Laser and IPL Skin Resurfacing are progressive and transformative. In the days and weeks following the procedure, you'll notice an improvement in skin texture, tone, and overall radiance. Fine lines, scars, and pigmentation irregularities will gradually fade, revealing a more youthful and rejuvenated complexion.

The beauty of Photofractional treatment with Stellar M22 lies in its ability to provide noticeable results with minimal downtime. Unlike more invasive procedures, it allows you to resume your regular activities shortly after the treatment. The collagen stimulation initiated by ResurFX and IPL continues to enhance your skin's health and appearance over time, making it a long-term solution for skin revitalization.

Torrance laser hair removal model with blonde hair
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Upgrade Your Skincare Routine

What is recovery after a Photofractional Treatment?

Photofractional Resurfacing is associated with minimal downtime, typically lasting from 3-5 days. Immediately after your treatment, the skin will feel rather hot. Your practitioner will assist you with cooling the skin for comfort as well as applying moisturizer and sunblock. After it cools, it may still feel like a mild to moderate sunburn for a few hours. 

DAY 1: Skin may be mildly swollen, particularly around the eyes. Do not be alarmed. Swelling is normal. Wash with a gentle cleanser twice daily; apply gentle moisturizer as needed and a physical SPF 30. Mineral makeup can be used if desired.

DAY 2 Skin might feel rough. Continue with gentle wash twice daily, moisturizer as needed, and sunblock daily. Make-up can be used as desired.

To support the healing process and optimize your results, you must follow any post-procedure care instructions provided by our practitioners. This may include applying a gentle moisturizer, avoiding direct sun exposure, and using sun protection to safeguard your newly rejuvenated skin.

NOTE: During the healing process (3-5 days) NO ACTIVE PRODUCTS should be used on the skin as they may irritate the treated area. This includes all of the following: any form of retinol, hydroquinone, salicylic/glycolic/lactic acid, vitamin C, or Benzoyl Peroxide. Do not use anything abrasive like a washcloth or Clarisonic brush during the healing process, as premature removal of dead skin may compromise overall results.

Skin Resurfacing

Frequently Asked Questions

Stellar M22 Skin Resurfacing is versatile and can be applied to various areas of the face, neck, chest, hands, and body, addressing pigmentation irregularities, fine lines, melasma, rosacea, scars, stretch marks, acne, vascular lesions, tattoos, uneven tone and texture, signs of aging and sun damage

While both Moxi and Broadband Light (BBL) treatments target skin concerns, the M22 Photofractional uses IPL and ResurFX laser technology to focus on improving skin texture and tone.

Common side effects with Stellar M22 include temporary redness, swelling, and mild discomfort, which typically subside within a day or two. Rare side effects may include changes in pigmentation or scarring, but these are extremely uncommon with proper treatment.

Results are progressive, with noticeable improvements in skin texture and tone appearing in the days and weeks following the procedure. Full results develop over several months as collagen production continues to enhance skin health.

Yes, Stellar M22 is often combined with other aesthetic treatments to create a comprehensive and customized approach to skin rejuvenation. Our practitioners will discuss the best combination of treatments based on your individual goals and needs.